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Biodegradability, Use and Composting



Blends of starch with other polymers are being developed to address environmental problems such as climate change and plastic pollution due to their bio-based origin and biodegradability.
Starch-blend bags which are certified compostable according to EN13432 have been checked and verified to meet the below conditions:


  • Fragment into pieces < 2 mm in less than 12 weeks in an industrial composting facility

  • Biodegrade into CO2, water, and biomass within 6 months due to biological activity

  • Leave behind no harmful substances in the environment after degradation and biodegradation


           Recommendations of use


These recommendations are to be followed when using starch-blend biodegradable bags:


  • Wet waste should be let drain as much as possible before placed in the bags

  • Do not dispose anything hot in them

  • Keep these bags in your bin for two weeks maximum   

  • These compostable bags can be used for your Bio-waste bin according to municipality rules

  • After filled with organic waste these bags can be placed entirely in home composting

  • Avoid leaving these bags exposed to rain, wet environments or direct sunlight  

  • These bags are primarily designed for trashing biodegradable residuals; however, they can also be used for disposing regular trash


           Some considerations of home composting




  • End consumers take care of the separation, treatment and ultimate end-use of the organic waste

  • Home produced compost reduces the need for soil conditioning with fertilizers

  • Home composting using compostable bags reduces the volumes of mixed plastics to be handled



  • Proper education on composting processes and compost application is necessary

  • Not everyone has a garden or is willing to home compost

  • If home composting is not properly managed, products could fail to compost even if using certified home-compostable bags or other related products


Further information on home-in composting:


- European Bioplastics
- Le site du compostage en ville
- Recycle now by WRAP:


In regards to urban composting and of bio-waste management it is recommended to always observe municipality rules



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